Lori Kanter Tritsch has been building and creating her whole life, so it’s no surprise she became an architect. Since graduating from Washington University, she has been designing for her family and her own firm, Graph Design LTD. Recently, she pledged a $1.25 million gift to the University of Pennsylvania School of Design (where she received her M.A.) establishing the Kanter Tritsch Award for Excellence in Architecture and Environmental Design.
Why did you become an architect? Simple. It’s in my DNA. I come from a family of builders, and from a young age, all I wanted to do was build and create.
Do you have a favorite architectural style? Great architecture takes into account how it reflects its environment. I always work hard to understand how a building best fits its location with respect to its neighbors.
What about Palm Beach architectural style? Palm Beach has its own quintessential style, all seamlessly connected through its incredible hedges. I can’t wait to spend more time here.
If you weren’t an architect, what would you be? I would definitely pursue landscape architecture. The wondrous world of plants and outdoor rooms is another passion!
What is your dream architectural project? A spiritual place would be a complete dream to design!